
If you have any ideas concerning what to implement in the game or how a programming problem could be sleuthed, start a thread here.


Postby sardonicProphet » Sun 16. Dec 2012, 02:04

I'm not much of a programmer, so I don't know how well this might work, if at all, but maybe add customization features so that players could have the option of playing as their own character in game, at least in a multiplayer game. It would make the game a lot of fun, and increase replay value. I'm just adding my opinion as a gamer in general. :)
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Joined: Sun 16. Dec 2012, 01:59

by Advertising » Sun 16. Dec 2012, 02:04


Re: Customization?

Postby SDASA » Mon 14. Jan 2013, 07:23

If that's the case then I hope I Guild Wars 2 Goldcan get some confirmation on that. I've seen streams where people farm rares using cross realm invites, but I don't recall seeing them get the loot. I'm sure there is a simple answer for this, and I haven't heard any concrete data stating that you aren't able to farm rares on different servers. If anyone can confirm this I'd be very grateful. I've spent 10 hrs alone on another server farming every single rare spawn, and haven't seen it yet. Then again, I haven't seen itGW2 Gold on my own server. I've spent at least the same amount of time farming it here, but haven't gotten EVERY spawn since it's much more competitive here.I know that trolls are to be expected, but please understand the facts before you speak. My server is very crowded and very competitive. Not only do I compete with hordies camping the spawns for fun, but I compete with Allies looking for the same thing as me.gw2 gold kaufen I'm sure you have no problem camping rares on your server, which is why I go to servers like yours where I hit all 3 rares without any competition.I increase my odds by killing 3 rares per hour as opposed to killing maybe one, or getting in a group and still having to fight battles for each kill. Not complaining. Just taking advantage of the game the way it is designed.
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Joined: Mon 14. Jan 2013, 07:21

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